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What is a Community Action Team for?

First established in 2018, Community Action Teams ("CATs") are part of the B.C. government’s response to the toxic drug crisis. 


The life-saving harm-reduction mandates of these teams include naloxone distribution, localized overdose prevention strategies and services, peer support provision and initiatives to reduce the stigma associated with drug use and/or overdose.


In 2021, the provincial government invested $2.5 million into CATs, with a goal of ensuring British Columbian communities hardest hit by the overdose crisis are resourced to provide effective, regional-specific responses.  qCAT is one of 35 teams in B.C. operating with funds from that investment. 

qCAT - circle image with black ribbon and white banner, with text "with no regulated safe supply, more British Columbians are now dying annually from preventable toxic drug overdoses than they are from fatal car collisions, homicides and suicide combined."
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